(Halloween Back Peddling...)
I'm so lame for not sharing this with you all sooner, but Axl Rose totally lives with us!! Look! It's him! ...Okay, so it's just Owen. But doesn't he rock the 80's hairband G n' R look? This was a last minute decision the day before Halloween after O decided that his bank robber face mask and sweatshirt were far too HOT for the 80+ degree weather we were having. So we set out to the thrift store on a mission. Thank goodnes for Wal-Mart though, I tell ya. When we got home he dressed up as we put all of the treasures together to see if it was good. Next thing I knew he was struttin' his walk, flippin' his do and saying things like, "If anyone needs me, I'll be in my trailor", in between singing his made up words to Sweet Child O' Mine. I could be mistaken, but I think I've created a monster.