MmmuUuaaaahh-ah-ahh-ahhhh... Halloween is HERE! I LOVE Love LOVE this spooky time of year. I wish they would start selling Halloween decorations 4 months early like they do Christmas. In fact forget those silly Santa bangles and bells...I'll take creepy gotcha's and gouls over that junk any day. Halloween is awesome. I love having a day a year to completely become something that you are not. Fascinating that around the end of September we begin to seek ghostly moaning objects and scary skeletons to hang outside and scare our friendly neighbor kids - and it's completely okay! What could be better.
I haven't crawled up into the attic to get my freaky frivolous finds down yet, but here are some of the decorations we do have up. The Dollar store is great for cheap treasures. And bless the Michael's 50% off coupons!
I'm so excited to be in a real HOUSE for the holiday. For the past 7 years, in Santa Monica, we have not had any trick-or-treaters. Hidden amongst apartment buildings that neighbor upper class treating streets - no one knew we were there. But this year...hehe..we will get to go all out in our efforts. I hope we get kids...
Stop by if you are in the neighborhood on Friday the 31st! We'll have cider and soup!