Attention please! Here ye, here ye! Big news! It's a Gilstrap BOY!!
Boy! A boy! A boy!
Girls are drama anyway, right?...Owen can't wait to have his little skate crew...The beginnings of a baseball team...Skateboards...Firetrucks...Hotwheels...Manly men...and I still get to be the princess. (Guess those adorable little dresses will have to stay at the store for now...)
We are so THRILLED with the surprise of this news - everyone (including us) was so sure we would be saying girl. Little Wyatt, we can't wait to meet you!

(this is a 4D image of Wyatt...you can see his little face in the middle area of the pic...kind of a profile view.)
YAY!! Im so excited that its a healthy BOY!!!! Im so so so HAPPY!!! No more guessing!!!
I would like to say I KNEW IT WAS A BOY!!! I am so excited for all of you. Now I need to talk to bean and Owie about a nickname for Wy
What am I looking at? I...I..can't see it.
No suprise... Gilstraps only know how to make boys. Norma and I are "flukes". :) I'm so excited to meet little Wyatt McCrory. Oh, what a sweety he'll be. Love to you all!
Congrats!! Another boy. I'm not surprised though - The Gilstrap men seem to like to produce many many heirs and no heiresses! You guys better get your booties up here soon after that baby is born so I can steal him.
Congrats again!
What a miracle that whole experience was. Thanks for letting me be a part of it! I can't wait to meet this cute cowboy baby.
Just checking in to see how you are feeling? And how everything is going? I'm excited for you - boys are fun to have around. :) I can't wait to see you post some photos of your cute belly so we can all see how you're looking! (something I haven't done yet, but am being pressured to do!) :) Loves to ya cuz!
Ya, I remember hearing that! Happy Birthday! Did you have fun?
Of course I will be your go-to-girl, it would be fun to get to know you better too! When are you guys moving up here? Or are you already settled?
Congrats! I've got 2 boys too... and they are so fun! And yes, I still get to be prissy and get my nails done and Jared can take the boys on campouts. It works out all around! I'm so excited for you!
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