Colony Collapse Disorder - Save the Diasppearing Bees
Did you know that every third bite of food we eat depends on bees for pollination? You might not have given much thought to the role honeybees play in our ecosystem. But fact is, 30% of the fruit- and vegetable-producing plants we rely on to feed our families need honeybee pollination to thrive. ...
My 8 year old son, Owen, has found a cause. He is determined to help people realize how important bees are to our world. He wants to spread the messege so that other children and adults can do their part in helping to save these little heros.
"If the bees disappeared off of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man." - Albert Einstien
Do your part and visit these helpful sites: http://www.helpthehoneybees.com/ where Haagen-Dazs ice cream is leading a campaign to fund research on CCD. They have a new ice cream flavor that will generate proceeds for research and you can download screensavers, order cool t-shirts, and learn about planting bee attracting gardens.
http://www.burtsbees.com/ will send a free packet of wildflowers for you to plant to attract native bees to your own little corner of the world. They also have a great little video clip that tells a bit about CCD and if you can get past the narrator with the lisp..it's cute.
By saving the bees, we save a lot more than the bees.
Be involved. For The Greater Good.
1 comment:
See? Now I like that. That bee picture on a black t-shirt and a "do-something-good" kind of slogan - I could wear that. And I don't even DO t-shirts.
Buy honey. Support the apiaries.
love you.
cheeztoast papa
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