Friday, December 5, 2008
My Own Piece of Mind

Baby G Update

So Tuesday I went in for my first Dr. appointment and came back more frustrated than ecstatic. The nurse did a vaginal ultrasound and flip flopped her estimate between 5 and 6 weeks along, until she settled on 6. Her attitude changed from welcoming and friendly at first meet to reserved and distant upon doing the ultrasound. She said the u/s showed a gestational sac and yolk sac, but no fetal pole which she says she should be seeing. She ordered up a bunch of blood work and I went in again Thursday for follow up blood work on HCG hormone level counts, but I still have no idea what the outcome is. I was scheduled to attend a new patient orientation class (you know, for all the low-class poor girls who get knocked up so easily) and they pulled me from the group, since my pregnancy wasn't viably confirmed yet. I've been a freakin' researching fool the last couple of days, and my hope is quickly fading. Trying to remain hopeful, but the limbo of the next week or two is nearly going to make me crazy. The morning sickness just hit on Tuesday...that has to say something right? I just want to think that that lady guessed wrong and it's still early. Because she could be! I have NO idea when this thing happened - all I know is that for the past couple of weeks we have been nothing but excited with the prospect of a new bitty around here and how dare she replace that with these nasty feelings of woe.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Welcome to the Jungle

(Halloween Back Peddling...)
I'm so lame for not sharing this with you all sooner, but Axl Rose totally lives with us!! Look! It's him! ...Okay, so it's just Owen. But doesn't he rock the 80's hairband G n' R look? This was a last minute decision the day before Halloween after O decided that his bank robber face mask and sweatshirt were far too HOT for the 80+ degree weather we were having. So we set out to the thrift store on a mission. Thank goodnes for Wal-Mart though, I tell ya. When we got home he dressed up as we put all of the treasures together to see if it was good. Next thing I knew he was struttin' his walk, flippin' his do and saying things like, "If anyone needs me, I'll be in my trailor", in between singing his made up words to Sweet Child O' Mine. I could be mistaken, but I think I've created a monster.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Two Pink Lines
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A More Excellent Hope

This place has been on my mind unceasingly as of late. Everyday I feel an urgency that this is where I need to be, to partake of the blessings that only can come from ordinances performed within these walls. I recall the hope this building has emitted just from its outside in times of great unease in my life, and can only hope of the strength that radiates within. I long to be part of something greater and bring more purpose to my tiny life. And have my family be the forever it deserves to be.
The Haunted Mill

Beware! The goblins and gouls were out in droves Saturday at The Old Mill. Complete with a spooky walk through the haunted forest where ghosties and grab-me-gotchas lurked, the little ones bravely volunteered to get their hands into the witch's potions and payed visit to the dungeon laboratory full of tasty (and not so tasty) concoctions. Take a look at these bewitching beauties...the belles of the evening...and creators of all things spooktacular. We'll do it all again on Friday!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Watch Out for Prop 8 Thieves!!!!
Are you serious?? This morning Tom noticed that our Yes on Prop 8 yard sign was gone! I can only assume that it was pilfered by the opposition...but seriously?? A SIGN? I thought that it was my right under the freedom of speech act that I can have any opinion I choose - and so is that right given to anyone else (namely those who do not feel as I do on certain issues). But stealing is still STEALING - and that is like THE most cardinal rule of all - one of the major 10 if I am not mistaken. I really want to go and pick up like 20 signs and stick them all over my front yard now. If anyone knows where I can get my hands on these apparently hot items...let me know. To all of my 'Yes' supporter friends: chain your signs to something sturdy and beware the egg throwers!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Spooky Love...

MmmuUuaaaahh-ah-ahh-ahhhh... Halloween is HERE! I LOVE Love LOVE this spooky time of year. I wish they would start selling Halloween decorations 4 months early like they do Christmas. In fact forget those silly Santa bangles and bells...I'll take creepy gotcha's and gouls over that junk any day. Halloween is awesome. I love having a day a year to completely become something that you are not. Fascinating that around the end of September we begin to seek ghostly moaning objects and scary skeletons to hang outside and scare our friendly neighbor kids - and it's completely okay! What could be better.
I haven't crawled up into the attic to get my freaky frivolous finds down yet, but here are some of the decorations we do have up. The Dollar store is great for cheap treasures. And bless the Michael's 50% off coupons!
I'm so excited to be in a real HOUSE for the holiday. For the past 7 years, in Santa Monica, we have not had any trick-or-treaters. Hidden amongst apartment buildings that neighbor upper class treating streets - no one knew we were there. But this year...hehe..we will get to go all out in our efforts. I hope we get kids...
Stop by if you are in the neighborhood on Friday the 31st! We'll have cider and soup!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
When did 41 become OLD?

If I hear another mention that Dara Torres is the OLDEST Olympic Athlete, I'm going to puke. The commentators cannot mention her name or introduce her without saying, 'She's 41, she's 41, she's old, she's old." Man, I think if she could hear them in real time, she would leap off that starting block, swim her dang race, and leap out of the pool in a single bound to give those talkie jockeys a swift dolphin kick where it really counts. Sure, I agree that the woman is amazing, but can she just be amazing without being OLD? I'm sure she doesn't FEEL old, she hangs out with kiddos twice her age. Now...it might be different if she was 42. That's old. Go golden, Dara. Ya old fart.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Someone blow that baby dust on ME already...

Is it just me or did I totally get left out the latest super-wave of little souls being sent down from above? I'm sure everyone has noticed that there have been hundreds of growing bellies walking around among us. It's become very easy for a girl to feel left out! I'm starting to feel like the nerdy girl in high school who only desires that pair of really expensive jeans so that she can fit in with the cool crowd. Only in this case it's 'genes' not jeans... Lame, I know. But finally being married after long hiatus, my ever aging interior, and with 9 years now separating potential siblings...I'm freakin' ready already! I KNOW good things come to those who wait...but at the risk of sounding too Veruca Salt-ish...I have to say, "I want one NOW". I'm drinking the same water everyone else seems too be; especially at church - I'm living at that water fountain. I must not be doing well enough with what I've got. Maybe it's not in my cards. Or maybe I've become too sensitive about it and someone is trying to teach me a lesson in patience. All I know is whatever the reason is...right now it makes me a little bit sad. I'm thrilled for my dear friends and family with bitty babes and bellies. They are all very special and I hope they don't mind if I live vicariously through their excitement. I know if it ever happens for us, they will thrilled for us as well...but not nearly as much as me.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Have you seen one of these??

Okay. I'm not supposed to tell anyone how sweet and adorable my husband is (for the sake of his manly ego) but I LOVE HIM! Our anniversary day was shaping up to be nothing short of ordinary, which was a huge disappointment to me since I had it in my head that it should be some sort of monumental celebration, but he surprised me. I got over thinking I needed some huge spectacular event and was looking forward to spending the evening together - just he and I. Something easy, something chill - dinner and movie. We had a great time. Owen was spending the night with Jonathen Moore being crazy, and so we had no curfew... I didn't get dressed up (we wore flip-flops) and made it a relaxing night. It felt like it had been forever since we had a date! When we got home, he pulled out a gift (not that kind...you dirty minded people) and I was totally surprised! Now between us, I can never tell what kind of a gift Tom will get. Since money is usually tight, it's likely to be something practical that I have been meaning to get and just haven't, like pink spatulas or an egg timer. But I have to say that over this year he has been pretty good - for Mother's Day he surprised me with two sets of nesting end tables that I had fallen in love with - and this is what he got for our anniversary!! It's the coolest little camcorder! I've been looking at them since before Christmas and with everything that's out there, I just thought the innovation of it's simplicity was SO cool! It was the last thing I expected. What a great guy to be so sneaky and for giving me little moments of surprise. I know gifts are not to be tokens of our affections for one another and it is not the actual gift itself that is so precious. I find great happiness in just the thought of his wanting to give something that seems out of reach or impossible at the time. Thinking of something that I would never expect and then giving me the world with all of his heart. He's so cute.
1st Anniversary Come & Gone...

But what a year! They say the first year of marriage is the 'adjustment' year. Ain't that the truth. I'm sure it's hard for Tommy to wake up to a wild haired, make-up-less, hairy legged creature instead of the princess of his dreams. Disobedient dogs, disobedient kids, working, not working, moving in, moving out, moving in again. Money (yea!), not money (usually). Where'd my waist go? I dunno - where's yours?? It seems this is just the adjustment of life! It's never ending. There are always challenges. There are always disappointments. There is always something reminding us of 'the bigger picture' that keeps us striving to overcome those trials of today. I've found that moving forward is what makes all the difference. Looking back only keeps us at the end of line. We learn, we grow, and we have great joy. I love my life. I LOVE my husband. I love our little family and everything that gets thrown our way. And I know every little trial we face is HF's way of making sure we're paying attention...because he's just trying to keep us on the right track.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I've found my HAPPY!

Ohhh, man! Who'd have thought that having someone else come to scrub my shower twice a month would make me feel as if all the world were in perfect, peaceful harmony? I'm telling you, for the cost of a pedicure or haircut...it's SO worth it.
After cleaning someone else's house day in and day out, having someone help ME for once is more than worth my sanity and better than a day at the spa. Though I know such frivolities may only last but a fleeting moment, I am willing to endure the inevitable heartbreak when it comes.
If I had a spiral notebook, I would doodle 'I love Star & Vanessa' on it encircled in hearts unending.
Out on a Limb

"Mom! I can see the bees flying to our flowers in the backyard. They're here! Come see!"
''...Okay, okay...", I say. I'm frantic reading a article online about what to do when your pooch eats a rodent. Five minutes later I feel the stare of small eyes.
"What? What do you need?"
"I just want you to come see the bees."
My heart melts in an instant and I succumb. "Alright. Show me."
"You can see them flying from the back door, look - in the sun - all over! Look how many! They're here!"
I can't help but love the innocence and admire his excitement. This little boy who loves to watch the honeybees float amongst the lavender bushes and feels like he is saving them all by providing them with attracting flowers and wearing his Keep the Hive Alive t-shirt - is right.
They're here.
They aren't casually flitting through the morning sun over the roses or the jasmine...they're swarming throughout the entire backyard. And it's only our yard, like an invisible barrier was placed around all the neighboring yards. Apparently someone let it leak that the Gilstraps were sympathetic to the honeybees plight.
Next time I go telling y'all to plant honeybee friendly plants in your yards, do so with great caution. You may well end up with a happy hive of new neighbors to welcome home.
Luckily the bees settled, though they still remain, perched on an outreaching limb of the Ash tree nearly 3 stories up.
Pray for no wind.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Dainty Vicious
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Kode Needs a New Home!!!

If anyone is looking for a funny dog or knows someone who is please check out this guy!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Owen Comment of the Day
Last night as it was growing later, Owen's silliness was becoming deliberately goofy and Toms says to Owen:
"You really need to hang out more often with your Aunt Marvia. You two have a lot in common."
Owen: "I bet I could beat her at most common things."
So there you go. A challenge, Marvia. :)
"You really need to hang out more often with your Aunt Marvia. You two have a lot in common."
Owen: "I bet I could beat her at most common things."
So there you go. A challenge, Marvia. :)
Beautiful Mother's Day

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Owen Comment of the Day
This morning as we were getting started, Tom and I were in a snuggled embrace and Tom says to a nearby Owen, "I kinda like her".
Owen: "No. You love her. That's why you married her, duh."
Tom: "I do love her...(whispers) even more than my guns."
Owen: "Well that's just wrong".
Owen: "No. You love her. That's why you married her, duh."
Tom: "I do love her...(whispers) even more than my guns."
Owen: "Well that's just wrong".
The Work in Progress at 2470
Here's some of the things going on at 2470. Most of these aren't new, and I will get some good ones of the kitchen and laundry up soon! Check back!
Owen's Crusade

Colony Collapse Disorder - Save the Diasppearing Bees
Did you know that every third bite of food we eat depends on bees for pollination? You might not have given much thought to the role honeybees play in our ecosystem. But fact is, 30% of the fruit- and vegetable-producing plants we rely on to feed our families need honeybee pollination to thrive. ...
My 8 year old son, Owen, has found a cause. He is determined to help people realize how important bees are to our world. He wants to spread the messege so that other children and adults can do their part in helping to save these little heros.
"If the bees disappeared off of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man." - Albert Einstien
Do your part and visit these helpful sites: http://www.helpthehoneybees.com/ where Haagen-Dazs ice cream is leading a campaign to fund research on CCD. They have a new ice cream flavor that will generate proceeds for research and you can download screensavers, order cool t-shirts, and learn about planting bee attracting gardens.
http://www.burtsbees.com/ will send a free packet of wildflowers for you to plant to attract native bees to your own little corner of the world. They also have a great little video clip that tells a bit about CCD and if you can get past the narrator with the lisp..it's cute.
By saving the bees, we save a lot more than the bees.
Be involved. For The Greater Good.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Moving, Marriage or Metabolism?

Whatever the excuse or reason, lately I'm feeling a little more Botticelli than Top Model. So what, I've got curves, right? WRONG...why does my 30 something self still think I should have that 20 year old body? How come I can't look in the mirror and recognize myself for the woman that I am - a wife, a mother, a teacher. Someone who has seen the bottom and continues to strive for the top? This is my psycho-physio struggle, trying to love me during all stages of 'me'...yet never seeming to be satisfied.
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Really really good-looking...

"I call this one Blue Steele"
Owen & Bean

I found this picture recently. Spohn kids are cute.